Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mission of UTPS

UTPS believes that health service is a fundamental right of the people. Ensuring people’s active participation and co-operation, UTPS shall render quality reproductive health care, primary health care and family planning services at a moderate cost. Self sufficiency is to be achieved through gradual increased service utilization and availability of services.14. Objectives in broad lines:I. Implementing comprehensive health care service through health care sharing/ recovery scheme to improve health status and quality of life of the poor and prevent mortality and morbidity, especially among poor women and children.II. Initiate a process of community ownership in the management and operations of grass-root level health care programs including City Maternity Center (CMC), Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) and Out Reach Centers (ORCs).III. Reduce preventable mortality and morbidity especially among the poor children & women folk;IV. Identification, prevention and treatment of STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS;15. Activities:Ø Integrated Health & STD/HIV/AIDS ProgramØ HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP)Ø Reproductive Health Care,Ø Child Health Care,Ø Communicable Disease Control,Ø Limited Curative Care,Ø Behavior Change Communication (BCC), 16. Geographical coverage:1X12Division District Upazila Union17. Donor/ Partner: ADB,UNFPA, GOB,NDF, ORBIS, GFATM,UNICEF, SMCSection - 2 : Background & Working Experiences of UTPS:2.1.0. Background: Unity Through Population Service (UTPS) is a non - government organization (NGO) started providing MCH-Family Planning Services from 1983 to the less privileged people who lived in its registered areas like Uttara, Gulshan, Banani, Mohakhali, Badda, under DCC Zones 9 & 10 and in some areas adjacent to Dhaka City. UTPS obtained registrations from Social Welfare Department, Directorate of Family Planning, External Resources Division and NGO Bureau of the Government of Bangladesh. In August 1997, UTPS started rendering MCH-FP and other services under the banner of ESP in Kalaynpur, Paikpara, Pirerbag, Ahammadnagar, East Kafrul, Shewrapara, Gabtoli, Adabar, Shyamoli, Monipur and Agargaon areas under DCC zones 6 & 7 with financial assistance from JSI/UFHP/NSDP.The Asia Foundation (TAF) Dhaka came forward to provide financial assistance to UTPS in April 1984 for health, MCH and Family Planning activities and continued up to 1997. After this, UTPS received funds from John Snow Incorporated (JSI)/ Pathfinder International (NSDP) and Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP) for providing ESP. Besides these, UTPS received funds from HASAB, Action Aid- Bangladesh and UNICEF for STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness program. UTPS also got financial assistance from GOB for non-formal education. UTPS run by an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of 9 members. There is a general body which elect the EC from its members for a term of two years by direct vote. The EC is responsible for overall management of the organization, policy making, making agreement and liaison with Donor Agencies, GOB, other NOGs and all concerned offices and organizations. UTPS has a written constitution, general guidelines, recruitment policy, and financial guidelines which are mainly based on GOB financial rules and regulations. The key personnel are Executive Director, Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, Clinic Manager, Senior Medical Officer and Medical Officer.

Mission of UTPS

UTPS believes that health service is a fundamental right of the people. Ensuring people’s active participation and co-operation, UTPS shall render quality reproductive health care, primary health care and family planning services at a moderate cost. Self sufficiency is to be achieved through gradual increased service utilization and availability of services.14. Objectives in broad lines:I. Implementing comprehensive health care service through health care sharing/ recovery scheme to improve health status and quality of life of the poor and prevent mortality and morbidity, especially among poor women and children.II. Initiate a process of community ownership in the management and operations of grass-root level health care programs including City Maternity Center (CMC), Primary Health Care Centers (PHCCs) and Out Reach Centers (ORCs).III. Reduce preventable mortality and morbidity especially among the poor children & women folk;IV. Identification, prevention and treatment of STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS;15. Activities:Ø Integrated Health & STD/HIV/AIDS ProgramØ HIV/AIDS Prevention Program (HAPP)Ø Reproductive Health Care,Ø Child Health Care,Ø Communicable Disease Control,Ø Limited Curative Care,Ø Behavior Change Communication (BCC), 16. Geographical coverage:1X12Division District Upazila Union17. Donor/ Partner: ADB,UNFPA, GOB,NDF, ORBIS, GFATM,UNICEF, SMCSection - 2 : Background & Working Experiences of UTPS:2.1.0. Background: Unity Through Population Service (UTPS) is a non - government organization (NGO) started providing MCH-Family Planning Services from 1983 to the less privileged people who lived in its registered areas like Uttara, Gulshan, Banani, Mohakhali, Badda, under DCC Zones 9 & 10 and in some areas adjacent to Dhaka City. UTPS obtained registrations from Social Welfare Department, Directorate of Family Planning, External Resources Division and NGO Bureau of the Government of Bangladesh. In August 1997, UTPS started rendering MCH-FP and other services under the banner of ESP in Kalaynpur, Paikpara, Pirerbag, Ahammadnagar, East Kafrul, Shewrapara, Gabtoli, Adabar, Shyamoli, Monipur and Agargaon areas under DCC zones 6 & 7 with financial assistance from JSI/UFHP/NSDP.The Asia Foundation (TAF) Dhaka came forward to provide financial assistance to UTPS in April 1984 for health, MCH and Family Planning activities and continued up to 1997. After this, UTPS received funds from John Snow Incorporated (JSI)/ Pathfinder International (NSDP) and Urban Primary Health Care Project (UPHCP) for providing ESP. Besides these, UTPS received funds from HASAB, Action Aid- Bangladesh and UNICEF for STI/RTI/HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness program. UTPS also got financial assistance from GOB for non-formal education. UTPS run by an Executive Committee (EC) consisting of 9 members. There is a general body which elect the EC from its members for a term of two years by direct vote. The EC is responsible for overall management of the organization, policy making, making agreement and liaison with Donor Agencies, GOB, other NOGs and all concerned offices and organizations. UTPS has a written constitution, general guidelines, recruitment policy, and financial guidelines which are mainly based on GOB financial rules and regulations. The key personnel are Executive Director, Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, Clinic Manager, Senior Medical Officer and Medical Officer.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

ZoomTM Ultra

Ultra is the new and upgraded package from ZoomTM high-speed wireless internal service that runs on state-of the-art VE-DO technology, the evaluation from CDMA 1X technology. You can experience download speeds of up to 512 kbps, and the Zoom TM Ultra connection enables you to access this high-speed internet by simply connection to your laptop or desktop computer.

ZoomTM Ultra provides never-before internet speeds on the move, and plug-and-play service through a versatile USB interface. The high speeds facilitate a superior internet browsing experience with video streaming, video surveillance, and rich media content. Currently the ZoomTM Ultra service is available in Motijheel, Dhanmondi, Banani, Gulshan, Baridhara, and Uttara areas of Dhaka City. Since the Ultra Modem is downward compatible with Citycell’s ZoomTM 1X network, it ensures connectivity throughout Bangladesh across 64 Districts.

ZoomTM Ultra data plans are designed to suit your specific needs. Products and devices are available at the three citycell Customer Care Centers of Dhaka, ZoomTM Zone at Bashundhara City Shopping complex, select ZoomTM Points of Dhak City, and through our Sales hotline 011910SALES (01191072537) or email (sales Our nationwide network of Customer Care Centres and points are also equipped to provide after-sales service for your ZoomTM Ultra connection and device.
For details, or contact our Helpline

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Burn Injury

In developing Countries, burns are important causes of injury mortality and morbidity, often ranking as a significant source of mortality after traffic injuries, drowing and falls. Huse fires and clothing fires are the most severe and Iethal events. but are less frequent than scalds and other mild to moderate burns. Scald injuries are particularly severe as they often lead to permanent disability from the extensive scarring over large body areas. or blindness from corneal scarring.
Most burn injuries in developing countries, particularly among children and women. occur in homes. Most homes are heated by burning wood or coal in open fires and cooking is done on the same open fire. Since most homps are singleroom dwellings in rural areas. there is always close proximitly of children and fire or scalding liquids. This is the acse in Bangladesh as well where almost all rural homes (which make up 80 percent of all homes) have open fires or kerosene stoves for cooking and heating.

Man is mortal

This title is the universel truth that man is mortal. But no man thinking that we should not make a noice. Most of the people in the world wants to happy by taka. But he/she is not thinking that we are not living in the world for ever.

The Donkey's Shadow

Alim was reading a book named Aesop's Fable. He found the folloing story in that book. Read the story and answer thw questions at C.

Aesop was born long ago in ancient Greece. At that time people were sold in market like cattle. Those sold people were called slaves. Aesop was a slave. He was owned by a man who liked to hear stories. Aesop used to tell him stories. His stories were very interesting. They were liked by everybody. Even today people like them. These stories are known as Aesop's fables. Here is a fable by Aesop.

Once a man hired a donkey of another man to go to a distant place. The donkey's owner went with him to bring back the donkey. He walked while the other man rode the donkey. At mid day they decided to stop and have lunch. It was a hot day and they were in the middle of a desert. There was no shadow any where. The only shadow was that of the donkey. The donkey's owner sat there. The other man pushed him and said, " Why are you sitting here? This donkey has been hired by me. So its shadow belongs to me. I'll sit here, not you."

The other man answered, " you hired my donkey, but not its shadow. The shadow belongs to me. I'll sit here.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Customer Feedback

With "Customer Focus" as one of its core values, Citycell always endeavors to go a few extra miles to ensure customer satisfaction. An integral part of this is to listen to what our customers have to say. In a recent drive for feedback, we invited customers to share their experience of using Citycell by sending SMS to 01190555666.

Since the launch of the campaign on May 5, 2009 we have received hundreds of SMS from valued customers. Citycell One users from all walks of life and of varying ages have shared their experience of using Citycell One. While most of our customers expressed their satisfaction on the quality and features of Citycell, we also acknowledge the very important suggestions that were made for improvement of our services. We thank all those who responded and believe your continuing trust in us will help to raise Citycell to new heights.